Beyond The Darkness
The Strategic Guide To The New Earth
Beyond the darkness is a book about source consciousness and self love. It’s a manuscript of the authors personal experiences that led her to an awakening of the energy of all that Is. It is a book that connects the quantum field to our mental, physical and emotional body, making sense of the universe.
The darkness is a tool for awakening, We must know what we don’t want in order to realize what we do want. We always have a choice in how we see the situations in life, they are all here to guide us on a path of love and light.
She communicates deep spiritual concepts in easy language that will inspire the creative mind and create a massive vibrational shift and awakening to the New Earth which we are transitioning into whether we know it or not.

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About The Author

Roshanara is a certified advanced level QHHT Practitioner taught by Dolores and Julia Cannon. Teachers that she has profound love and respect for. She successfully completed her advanced level course in Cusco, Peru in 2019.
She is a Conscious Sensuality Practitioner trained by Robert Silber and other great teachers and completed her certification in Hawaii in February 2020.
She is also the founder of Jade Rituals – An online store which deals in exclusive Nephrite Jade Products from British Colombia.
Before this, she was Miss World Kenya 2017 and graduated with a Law degree from the University of Nairobi.
On her journey to explore life and her quest for knowledge, identity and healing, she has been on many adventures around the world and varied inter – dimensional frequencies via meditation, astral travel, plant medicine retreats, Yoga, QHHT, Kabballah practice, The Akashic records, Reiki, NLP, EFT, Psychic downloads and 5D synchronicity. She works specifically with the Archangels, Ascended masters and the intergalactic federation of Arcturians and Pleiadeans also known as The Council of light. She had her mind, body and spirit awakenings in different settings and psychically downloads geometrical symbols containing knowledge of Fibonacci fractals, universal laws, quantum physics and a profound knowing of the energy of all that is. As above so below, as within so without. We are creators of our reality. The bottom line is that the ancients knew what scientists are still beginning to realize. You have the power to tap in to this knowledge too. Her practice has no religious nor occult affiliations.
Roshanara Love stands for raising the collective consciousness and intends to inspire you to step into your own truth and personal power knowing that you are connected to an all knowing source of unconditional love and compassion and to welcome The New Earth.
You can do this through accepting yourself as you are, becoming more aware of your true nature and evolving purpose, transmuting limiting beliefs, fear and doubt and transcending into higher and more enlightened versions of yourself.
She has great respect and has evolved greatly with leaders in the field such as Drunvalo Melchizedek , Leonardo Da Vinci, Tesla, Rumi, Eckhart Tolle, Esther Hicks, Joe Dispenza and Allan Watts among many others. Her favorite authors are James Redfield, Paolo Coehlo, Paul Selig and Dolores Cannon. She reaffirms the resonance of her downloads through The Emerald Tablets, The Flower of Life volumes and the core vibration of all major holy books including the Tao Te Jing.
Beyond The Darkness
The Strategic Guide To The New Earth
Chapter 1 “Who am I”
The author talks about the importance of the Mind- Body – Heart coherence in connection to the higher self, The soul and the integration of these systems into homo luminous. The enlightened human.
Chapter 2 “The Pattern of Creation”
Upon her awakening, she tuned into source consciousness and the God head to realize the laws of the universe, the elements and sacred geometry. The first step to enlightenment is to understand the core.
Chapter 3 “The Chakras and EMF’s”
The quantum body is made of chakras (energy centers). These subtle senses can be nurtured ato allow you to experience kinesiology, telepathy, alchemy, numerology, astral travel, self healing and other magical worlds.
Chapter 4 “The Eye of Horus”
Opening to divine perception through pineal gland activation, she connects you to ancient magical knowledge and the awareness of your ascension vehicle, the cosmic serpent and the crystalline grid.
Chapter 5 “How To Raise Your Vibration”
Through her pain, she discovered fool proof ways to ensure life long peace, love and happiness through her secret tips to raise your vibration. It includes everything from plant medicine journeys, Crystal healing, sound healing and hypnosis.
Chapter 6 “The Divine Masculine”
The divine masculine archetypes guide the understanding of the male psyche including the father wound. She demystifies the The Lingam and prostrate and the connection of man to the left brain and the sun. The Vitruvian man is the awakened man.
Chapter 7 “The Divine Feminine”
This chapter focuses on the awakened woman, the yoniverse and her connection to the moon and the right brain. It connects cervical de-armoring to the mother wound.
Chapter 8 “Sacred Sexuality”
The sacred art of tantra and transmuting sexual life force energy to creative spiritual energy is profound. Self pleasuring and the full body orgasm highlight the art of loving self-communication and beyond.
Chapter 9 “The Stillness”
The vibration of ecstasy and deep love and gratitude reside here. This chapter is all about coming into the present moment and connecting to the beauty of nature.
Chapter 10 “The New Earth”
Let us return to the garden of Eden where we are with unlimited abundance in the vortex of conscious creation and bliss. We are surrounded by synchronicity and can connect to inter dimensional entities in a safe and thriving space. The New Earth is here, now.